Getting Practitioners Agendas Online

Patient Online Booking

An online booking application for patients to book an appointment in under 45 seconds.







Online booking with Gold Agenda is fast!


In tests Patients can book in under 45 seconds, typically twice as fast as the quickest phone call. Quicker booking can lead to decreased booking abandonments.





Reception has control


With complex treatments, a consultation is often required. For this the online booking system needs to be flexible and let the reception stay in control. Gold Agenda supports arranging in-Practice or even online consultations.

Practices get a better return on their receptionists when they have time to help free up space in Practitioners' daily schedules, promote add-on treatments and recommend retail products. Gold Agenda's flexible online booking system, keeps the reception in control of the booking process while freeing up assistants' time to promote the Practice.





Operational Costs Controlled


The ability to pay-per-appointment makes investing in an online booking system more affordable. As a Practice's Patients switch to booking online then at some stage it is more affordable to have a monthly fixed price with unlimited appointments. Gold Agenda offers both pricing options.

Ensuring the average booking cost per appointment does not affect the Practice's profit margins. Gold Agenda helps with reducing direct costs such as receptionist time spent on phone bookings as well increasing sales via Practice promotions.



Easy Customer Adoption


Patients like the simplicity of the 3-step online booking process. With its mobile-friendly user interface, Patients can book on any device at any time.

Getting customers to try booking online instead of using the phone is relatively straightforward. Ensuring they repeatedly book online is not as easy! Gold Agenda's speed and mobile-friendly experience guarantee Patient adoption. With Gold Agenda, over 35% of a Practice's Patients typically switch to the online booking within 3 months.



Trusted Technologies


Gold Agenda's online booking form runs on tried and tested technologies. This includes Umbraco a leading web CMS with over 500,000 websites, which is built on Microsoft's .net technology.

Using Microsoft SharePoint and Umbraco CMS technologies, Gold Agenda delivers over 99.98% uptime online. Including off-line sync options, this approaches 100%.

Always available for customers – reduce the loss of customers



Data Privacy Compliance


Gold Agenda incorporates GDPR data privacy standards which help increase security confidence with Patients. Gold Agenda uses technology from Microsoft and Umbraco to secure online booking form data. Each piece of form data deemed as "sensitive" whether as simple as a customer email address or phone number, can be secured with special permission controls.

This ensures that you remain compliant and that your customers feel secure.