Dentist Solutions

Smylway Applications

A SaaS PRM in the Cloud…

Dentists are under pressure to adjust to the behavioural change and expectations of patients. Expectations in that patients want to be treated as a customer which importantly includes having their specific needs considered in proposed treatments.  With increased dental hygiene technology (e.g. electric toothbrushes), dentistry continues to have a declining number of appointments per population due to medical problems. Combined with the reduction in the level of coverage by dental public or private insurance, patients mostly have to privately fund their dental care. As a result, the majority of dental treatments are elective or optional in nature. 

Smylway Online Reception

Silver Agenda

Cloud-based online reception with 24/7 availability for your patients.

The Smylway solution uses a SaaS ascension business model for Dentist Patient online services to establish online relations admin including online bookings via the web.




  • Responsive Online Scheduler (SaaS)

24/7 Access + Any location giving Reception + Practitioner convenience

Lean management of staffing coverage to lower support costs

  • Recall+ includes support for Patient Recurring Appointments

Improved efficiencies in managing multiple regular future appointments

Increased utilisation and Customer Loyalty

  • Treatment Plan Management - Scheduled Appointments (Q2 22)

Ensures Patients have their treatment plan future appointments scheduled in their Agenda.

Reduces the chance of appointments being missed and increases overall number of appointments booked in the financial year.

  • Online Live Chat (Reception-Patient) with Zoom Online Consultations

Ability for Reception to Schedule Appointments via modern interface with increased control over conversation versus phone.

Increased efficiency and improved response rates in managing multiple Patient questions & bookings

  • Online Booking via ChatBot (Q2 22)

Email and Phone auto scheduling booking options via ChatBot with upgrade to Silver Agenda or higher offers Real Time AI ChatBot bookings

Reduces reliance on Reception coverage hours to take appointment bookings.

  • Practice Intranet with Practice Dashboard

Cloud based storage of Practice's operations, including Team Holiday scheduling, Treatment registration forms & Team Skills training tracking for Practice Managers

Reduction in time to manage logistics operations.

  • Appointment Notifications (SMS,Email,Voice)

Up to 3x reminders reducing chances of forgetting an appointment including confirmations of appointment changes. Email included with Free Agenda. Upgrade to paid version for SMS and WhatsApp

Reduction in No-Shows and improved trust

  • Emergency Pain AI ChatBot (Q3 22)

Out of hours intelligent support for a Patient's current pain-based questions. Paid upgrade from Silver Agenda possible.

Increases in Patient levels of trust and credibility of the Practice

  • General & Treatment Registrations

Online Patient Registrations including specific Treatment forms. Allows Patients convenience of pre-treatment easy registration

Reduces Practice administration management and improves compliance effectiveness.

  • Online Booking Form

45 seconds-based bookings via custom online form with 24/7 access. Paid Upgrade from Silver Agenda possible.

Reduction in expensive phone call support allowing Reception to focus on other Practice Patient Relations

  • Hot Line with AI IVR (Q3 22)

Dedicated phone number with out of hours support using AI Integrated Voice Recognition

Extends the ability of the Reception to cover out of hours slots which often have the most calls per hour

  • Customer Patient App (Q2 22)

Online login for patients with the ability to change appointment with additional costs. (Note for Patients supports Treatment Dentist preference.)

Reduces management of logistics while protecting margins and also reduces no-shows

  • Online Marketing Campaigns

Professional support with Dentist context tried and tested adverts (search, text & video) on Search (Google Ads), Video platforms (YouTube) and Social Media Platforms (Facebook-Instagram)

Ability to cost effectively send 10,000s of patient visitors from Google Ads and Social Media platforms such as Facebook-Instagram.